- Recipient of the Best Paper Award for the paper entitled
``On Optimizing Non-Asymptotic Throughput of Wireless Mesh Networks"
co-authored with P. Zhou and Ramesh Rao,
at the 5
Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2008 (IEEE CCNC 2008) held in Las Vegas, USA, during January 10-12, 2008.
- Co-author of the widely taught book Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols, Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey, May 2004.
- Recipient of IBM Outstanding Ph.D Thesis Award for the year 2004.
- Recipient of ISCA1 Young Scientist Award for the year 2003.
- Recipient of the Best Paper Award for the paper entitled
``A Novel Battery Aware MAC Protocol for Ad hoc Wireless
Networks'', co-authored with S. Jayashree and C. Siva Ram Murthy,
at the 11
International Conference on High Performance
Computing 2004 (HiPC 2004) held in Bangalore, India during December
19-22, 2004.
- Recipient of the Best Paper Award for the paper entitled ``Multi-hop
Cellular Networks: Architecture and Protocols for Best-effort and
Real-time Communication'', co-authored with R. Ananthapadmanabha
and C. Siva Ram Murthy, at the First Inter Research Institute
Student Seminar in Computer Science 2002 (IRISS 2002) held at the
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, during March 28-29,
- Recipient of Infosys Research Fellowship Award.
- University 2nd Rank in M.Tech.
- Recipient of Best Project Award in Masters (M.Tech) for the project titled ``Design
and Implementation of Gateway for TCP/IP and ATM Networks".